함께 할 대학원생을 모집합니다.

2023 IEEE International Magnetics Conference


2023. 5. 16 ~ 5. 19

Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan

The 67th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM)
2022. 10. 31 ~ 11. 4
Hybrid conference

The 33rd Magnetic Recording Conference (TMRC)

2022. 8. 29 ~ 8. 31
Western Digital Milpitas Campus, Milpitas, CA, U.S.A

2022 Joint MMM-Intermag Conference

2022. 1. 10 ~ 1. 14
Hybrid conference

The 32nd Magnetic Recording Conference (TMRC)

2021. 8. 16 ~ 8. 29

Virtual meeting

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