제목 날짜
Joohyun Lee, Jaejin Lee and Gijoo Yang, “Channel model and GPRML detections for a single-layered perpendicular magnetic recording with a modified rign-head,” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetics Materials, vol. 272-276, pp.2279-2281, May 2004. 2017.02.28
Joohyun Lee and Jejin Lee, “A PRML with modified branches of a dual MTR code for high-density PMR channels,” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetics Materials, vol. 287, pp.410-415, Feb. 2005. 2017.02.28
Joohyun Lee and Jaejin Lee, “Modified partial response maximum likelihood detection using the relative probability of the 17PP code for optical storage sysmtems,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 43, no. 7B, pp. 4856-4858, July 2004. 2017.02.28
Joohyun Lee and Jaejin Lee, “Design of improved error correction decoder usign error detecting information of modulation code in DVD systems,” Jpn. J. Appl, Phys., vol. 45, no. 2B, pp.1113-1116, Feb. 2006. 2017.02.28
Joohyun Lee and Jaejin Lee, “DC-free coding of run-length-limited codes for multi-level optical recording systems,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 45, no. 2B, pp.1097-1100, Feb. 2006. file 2017.02.28
Joohyun Lee and Jaejin Lee, “Adaptive noise-predictive maximum likelihood detection using tentative decision and partial path selection," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetics Materials, vol. 310, no. 2, pp. 2686-2688, Mar. 3, 2007. 2017.02.28
Joohyun Lee and Jaejin Lee, “Adaptive equalization using the expanded maximum likelihood detector output for optical recording systems,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 44, no. 5B, pp.3499-3502 , May 2005. 2017.02.28
Joohyun Lee and Jaejin Lee, “A simplified noise-predictive PRML detection using M-algorithm for double-layered perpendicular magnetic recording channels,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 41, pp.1064-1066, Feb. 2005. 2017.02.28
Joohyun Lee and Jaejin Lee, Taegeun Park, “Error control scheme for high-speed DVD systems,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol.51, no.4, pp.1197-1203, Nov. 2005. 2017.02.28
Jinyoung Kim, Yong Moon, and Jaejin Lee, "Iterative Decoding between Two-Dimensional Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm and Error Correcting Modulation Code for Holographic Data Storage," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 50, pp. 09MB02, Sep. 2011. file 2017.02.28
Jinyoung Kim, Jaejin Lee, Taehyung Park, and Sungbin Im, "Expectation-Maximization Based Adaptive Threshold Detection Algorithm for Multi-Level Holographic Data Storage," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 50, pp. 09MB01, Sep. 2011. file 2017.02.28
Jinyoung Kim, Jaejin Lee, and Joohyun Lee, "Performance of Low-Density Parity Check Codes With Parity Encoded by (1, 7) Run-Length Limited Code for Perpendicular Magnetic Recording," IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 48., no. 11, pp. 4610-4613, 2012. file 2017.02.28
Jinyoung Kim, Jae-Kyung Wee, and Jaejin Lee, "Error Correcting 4/6 Modulation Codes for Holographic Data Storage," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 49, no. 8, Issue 3, pp. 08KB04-1-5, August 20, 2010. file 2017.02.28
Jinyoung Kim and Jaejin Lee, "Two-dimensional soft output Viterbi algorithm with noise filter for patterned media storage," J. Appl. Phys., vol. 109, no. 7, pp. 07B742, April 2011. file 2017.02.28
Jinyoung Kim and Jaejin Lee, "Simplified Decoding of Trellis-Based Error-Correcting Modulation Codes Using the M-Algorithm for Holographic Data Storage," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 51, pp. 08JD02, 2012 file 2017.02.28
Jinyoung Kim and Jaejin Lee, "Modified Two-Dimensional Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm for Holographic Data Storage," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 49, no. 8, Issue 3, pp. 08KB03-1-3, August 20, 2010. file 2017.02.28
Jinyoung Kim and Jaejin Lee, "Iterative Two-Dimensional Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm for Patterned Media," IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 594-597, March 2011. file 2017.02.28
Jinyoung Kim and Jaejin Lee, "Error-Correcting 6/8 Modulation Code for Reducing Two-Dimensional Intersymbol Interference," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 50, pp. 09MB06, Sep. 2011. file 2017.02.28
Jinyoung Kim and Jaejin Lee “Two-Dimensional SOVA and LDPC Codes for Holographic Data Storage System,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 2260-2263, May 2009. file 2017.02.28
Jinyoung Kim and Jaejin Lee “Two-Dimensional 5:8 Modulation Code for Holographic Data Storage,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 48, no. 3, 03A031, Mar. 2009. file 2017.02.28

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